Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Hey there AIMSTers!


While catching up with classes, labs, meals and building your social network (Aha!), we are sure (at least 99.9%) that you have got something to say to the world. So, the point is BE HEARD! Now, the big question is how? You can't possibly take a megaphone and scream out loud in the cafe at lunch?! We can also hear some of you moping, “Who cares about what I think or have to say?"

The point is WE CARE. Without ruining anyone’s lunch to say the least, YOU can now give your take on the world or anything beyond it to an audience who actually cares to listen. How?


Essentially it’s a public speaking tournament and the glitz to the name is obviously due to the cool and very expensive trophy … SERIOUSLY, ask Mr Ranjit from Student Liaison Unit (the TROPHY is also there!).

So, since you know what the general idea is about and know that we are not wasting web-space… it is time you know who we are. Well, we are from MBBS Batch 13 who is organizing this (soon-to-be) Mega Event which if you have been here for sometime, has taken place twice already. We however plan to take this event into a new dimension.

That is where this blog fits in; an interactive domain for the organizers, participants and basically everyone who has an access to the internet to share and communicate. More details of the competition are on the pipeline as the committee is finalizing everything from the very tiny little things to the really big stuff like sponsorship and prizes! There will be a post on the committee members’ and their various antics, so don't worry; you won't miss out on anything we do!

So back to the blog … again, we wish to emphasize the interactive quality of the whole thing (let us not waste web space), so we expect all of you to share, ask, comment (look below!) and basically just tell us what you want to tell us; good or bad (just be careful with your lingo though). Yes, just tell us! Anything!

For now, that is about it. Do keep coming back to the blog. Pictures, registration forms and goodness-knows what else we can cook up will be waiting for you. Till then, have a nice day, keep pondering, thinking but don’t forget to live (huh?)!

Signing out for Batch 13,


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