Friday, May 16, 2008

The Third Preliminary!

At last...the finals are just around the corner. Well, as for the 3rd preliminary round, the atmosphere at 2 pm today in Lecture Theatre 1 was filled with excitement and chatty voices but was silenced when the team of judges was announced. The panel was headed by Miss Shoba Devarajan and the other judges were Mr. Choo and Ms. Viveca.

Vinod then introduced the first speaker of the day who was Navashini Madhavan with her topic entitled, "Space and Universe in conjunction with Hindu civilization."She managed to lay down the history of astronomy in relation to the Hindu ancient texts.

Leong Chee Mun was next in line with his empowering speech of “The Power of Goals”. His systematic 3 points speech and fine intonation coupled with perfect timing left the crowd ecstatic.

Peals of laughter and murmuring could be heard when Terence Micheal Dass with his topic , “It Is Easier to Get Along With Man Than Woman” had addressed his controversial issue about guys preferring other guys as friends rather than girls. It was obvious that he was a favourite with the crowd as he garnered quite a bit of support.

Yaminie Nair enlightened the crowd with “Friends Should Never Hide Anything from Each Other. Do you Agree” by expressing her wise opinions on friendship with a bit of philosophy from Aristotle. I had to nod in agreement with most of her points about why friends should never hide anything from each other.

Penocia Pawel was the fifth speaker and spoke on juvenile delinquency. The final contestant of the day was Natasha Sathasuram delivering a speech on obesity.

Following that, the judges deliberated on the 10 finalist and in the meantime an appeal was made to raise funds for the Nargis Cyclone victims. The 10 finalists of the AIMST Public Speaking talent Quest was then announced .Kudos to all those who have triumphed and made it to the finals. See you at the finals!!


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